When you provide information to our web page, it is considered to be confidential and it is not shared with third parties. Visitors to this web page are only recognized by our web server by domain name. Our web server, when possible, does not recognize email addresses.
We collect and retain the email addresses of those people who send us messages. We collect information on which pages people visit, and that includes specific information on each user and any information the user voluntarily shares. This also includes information that is collected via site registration or survey, phone numbers, names, and addresses.
The reason we collect this information is so that we can constantly improve the content of our web pages and to give updates to individuals. We collect the information also for the purposes of marketing and whenever it is required by law or when it is needed by government officials to aid them in making an investigation. We also collect this information to make sure our website policies and laws related to it are being followed and for the purpose of enforcing policies and laws and for the protection of our website from misuse or any unauthorized use.
Why We Collect Personal Information
We collect personal information, such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses, to communicate with visitors. We take your information so we can communicate with you with regards to the information you have either requested from us or submitted to us. This collection of information allows us to send you the materials you have requested or to send you any free offers that are available. The information also helps us make sure that you qualify for the offers and that and that the material you have requested applies to your circumstances. We need your information to direct you to the best medical and legal resources that may help you or a loved one. We never add names or information to a mailing list without your explicit permission having been granted.