Bard Davol hernia surgical mesh has been implicated in complications after surgery including inflammation, rejection of the mesh, adhesion to organs, migration, organ damage, and more. Lawsuits over the damage the mesh has caused are growing and have recently been consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL). There are now 122 cases in the MDL, but nearly 70 more may be added. An MDL helps streamline the process of getting these important cases through the court system and getting justice for victims.
Hernia Mesh and Complications
The mesh made by Bard Davol is designed to help surgeons repair hernias. A hernia occurs when there is a tear in the muscle tissue of the abdomen that causes internal organs, usually the intestines, to poke through. It is painful and can cause complications if not corrected. The mesh is used to stitch the muscle back together.
Many patients have reported symptoms and complications after having hernia surgery involving Bard Davol mesh. These complications variously caused pain and discomfort, organ damage, and a need for additional, corrective surgeries. The reports include rejection of the mesh, adhesion to organs and tissue, infections, inflammation, organ damage, and migration, which means that the mesh moved from where it was inserted, causing damage.
One woman, named Michele McDougal even died as a result of complications from the mesh. She had received six different mesh implants and suffered from chronic infections and internal organ and tissue damage for years. Ultimately she died from the damage caused by the mesh.
The mesh products implicated in most of the current cases are made from a polypropylene material. According to some evidence that may be presented in the upcoming MDL, Bard was warned more than 20 years ago that this material could cause issues and should be discontinued. The company that made the material even warned that one particular mesh made from it was not fit for use in humans.
Mesh Implicated in Multiple Lawsuits
It is not only Bard Davol, but several other companies that are also being charged in lawsuits with complications caused to patients who received mesh implants during their surgeries. Brands that are made by Bard include MK Patch, Composix, 3dMax, Ventralex, Visilex, Dulex, OnFlex, and others. Other companies targeted in the lawsuits are Ethicon and Atrium, which also make hernia mesh that have caused issues.
Because there are so many people filing lawsuits against Bard Davol and a couple of other hernia mesh manufacturers, and for roughly the same reasons, it made sense to consolidate them into an MDL. The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Legislation recently ruled that 53 cases could be added to others, amounting to 122 cases in the MDL. It also announced that 69 other cases may be added soon. These are part of nearly 1,800 cases total against Bard for hernia mesh damage.
The creation of the MDL streamlines the pre-trial proceedings for these cases, which can benefit the victims. Going through the process for each individual case could take decades. With an MDL the victims, if successful in their cases, will get justice much sooner. If you or someone you love was harmed because of the use of a polypropylene hernia mesh made by Bard Davol or another company, you could become a part of this multi-person lawsuit. Experienced legal teams can help you seek justice and get compensation for your many medical expenses.